02/11/2018 threestonesmedia

Rastamouse takes the top spot in Half Term TV ratings.

We are excited to share the news that our award-winning shows Rastamouse and Apple Tree House have both been ranked in the top 3 Children’s television shows and placed in the ‘Top 30 Multichannel Programmes’.

Rastamouse topped the ratings this week with 276,500 viewers with its Thursday (October 25th) 5pm broadcast of series 3 episode ‘Ride On Time’. While Apple Tree House, hit 3rd place with 245,000 viewers with its 5:25pm slot on the same evening with, ‘Tall Tales’ from its most recent series.

In the top 30 ratings, Rastamouse was ranked at #22 and Apple Tree House at #30.

We’re delighted to see the amazing Rastamouse topping the ratings alongside Apple Tree House and would like to thank everyone that support the shows by tuning in when they broadcast.

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