19/12/2019 threestonesmedia

Cheers to the festivities and the end of a great decade!


It’s been quite a decade for the Three Stones team.

We’ve made hundreds of amazing award winning TV episodes, brilliant content for the digital space and we’ve met audiences and young people all around the UK with our live shows and educational work.

Thank you to all our friends and partners for helping us celebrate diversity and inclusivity. Without your contributions we’d never get our projects off the drawing board.

We enter the new decade with some significant challenges ahead, however we are delighted to be working on a raft of fantastic ‘big’ ideas that will make an even bigger splash on the education and media landscape.

The office will be closed from the 19th December and we’ll be back to work in the new year, on 6th January 2020.

We wish you all a fantastic festive season and a prosperous New Year! 🥂

Greg, Janeice and the Three Stones Team!

