15/07/2021 threestonesmedia

Thanking our local heroes through music.

Three Stones Media are supporting Dan Newell creator of Billy’s Band and delighted to see the launch of the latest films from the Lights Camera Score project.

Commencing in the middle of lockdown with the support of THAMES, Air Studios and a brilliant team of players from the BBC Concert Orchestra, the Lights Camera Score team have been working with young people in Tower Hamlets to compose and perform music for five bespoke animated films.

Lights Camera Score 2021 feature eight schools and members of the Saturday Music Centre Chamber Orchestra. The theme of this year’s films is ‘Heroes’.

Making music and story with children from year 4 through to year 12, over a dozen new musical scores have been produced so far. Three Stones believe that combining music with storytelling and making strong connections to films and computer games provides an ideal motivation to engage with music and instrumental learning.

If you would like to know more, or find out more about out slate of music programming for young people, please don’t hesitate to drop us a line.

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