11/03/2024 threestonesmedia

Greg Boardman, CMF Executive Member and producer, has written a detailed note on the discussions at the Children’s Media Summit 2024.

As an executive member of the Childrens’ Media Foundation Dr. Gregory Boardman has been instrumental in supporting the organisation’s recent Children’s Media Summit.

At the summit on the February 28th, the Foundation launched a campaign to persuade the UK government to take action to address the huge shifts occurring as children and teenagers migrate to new and unregulated video-sharing platforms where very little UK public service content features in their media diet. You can read Gregory’s report on the event here:


You can voice your support for this important campaign by signing the document on the CMF’s website. For those with interest in children’s media the CMF organises an annual conference, the Children’s Media Conference, every July in Sheffield, England.

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