11/02/2022 threestonesmedia

Rastamouse ranks top five CBeebies shows over the last two decades.

Today, the 11 February 2022, marks a huge milestone for Rastamouse’s original television home, CBeebies.

Three Stones would like to wish CBeebies a very happy 20th birthday. We wish the channel and the team many more decades on the air.

As the celebrations go down, Rastamouse, has been featured in a ‘top 20’ list by TV writer Stuart Heritage over at The Guardian. Ranked in the top five shows, the “beautifully designed” stop-motion characters come in at number four.

Rastamouse is a stop-motion animation about the crimefighting adventures of a Rastafarian mouse who also performs in a reggae band. While it might not be the most culturally accurate show CBeebies has ever made – Benjamin Zephaniah criticised the characters’ West Indian accents – it is one of the most loved. The characters are beautifully designed, the humour is happily offbeat and, as someone who has suffered through more CBeebies Spotify soundtracks than most, I can gladly attest that the music isn’t at all insufferable.

Stuart Heritage, The Guardian

CBeebies has produced great television over these past two decades and we have been delighted to have been part of such a legacy. We are super proud of Rastamouse’s achievements on and off the screen and are excited about the future of the brand.

Three Stones would like to wish CBeebies a very happy 20th birthday. A huge thank you to the channel for supporting Rastamouse over the years.

Congratulations to all the shows that made Stuart’s “20 best shows from the past two decades” list. You can read the full article here.

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